Thursday, March 31, 2011

First Day of Filming Act 3!! :)

Today was the first day of filming for act 3! We went to Noelle's and at first it was hectic and people kept forgetting their lines but once we got it, it was really fun. :D We started off filming scene 4 when the Capulet's and Paris are planning the wedding for Juliet and Paris. Even though it's only ten lines long, we took kind of a lot of takes, but once we got it, we were really excited and proud. After that we filmed scene 2 and I thought that Emma and Noelle did really well. They knew their lines and they showed a lot of emotion. I thought they did a really good job. I had a lot of fun working on this so far and I'm excited to keep working on it. The more we get done, the closer we will be to the final product which I know will be awesome. Thanks to everyone for coming tonight and helping out. I know we got some good shots in and I can't wait to see how it turns out.

On Saturday we are going to film scene 1 which is when Mercutio dies. I'm excited to see an action scene be filmed since both the scenes today were just people talking with each other. This project is a lot of fun and it’s been cool to be a part of it. Keep up the good work everybody and I’ll be looking forward to Saturday for the filming of scene 1.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Week 3

Today we finalized the filming schedual for act 3. I am excited to see how the filming process works for our project. It will be fun to be a part of the filming. It will be awesome to see the final product of the movie and be think that I was a part of that. I think we are doing a wonderful job so far and we should keep up the good work. Act 1 was really good according to Mr. P and that is a good sign. I can't wait to start filming act 3 on Thursday! I think I am going to have a lot of fun with it and I'm looking forward to this.

Friday, March 25, 2011

My New Job as Director

This week the script was completed! I have now stepped in as one of the directors for act 3. The writing process was more fun than I had expected. Now that we are finished writing, we have to start making the filming schedual for act 3. The job of a director will take a lot of work, but I'm glad to have an important role in this project. I'm looking forward to see how this project will turn out. It will be a lot of fun once filming starts. This project takes a lot of effort and hardwork, but I think it will all be worth it in the end.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Romeo and Juliet-Week 1

     So far I have written scene 2, act 3. In this scene Juliet is very dramatic and at first she thinks Romeo is dead. She then thinks that both Romeo and Tybalt are dead. Then she finds out the truth that Romeo killed Tybalt and has been expelled from school. She says this is worse than Tybalt dying ten thousand times and that she is going to die. Nurse finally calms her down and tells her that she will get Romeo for her. During the rest of this week and the start of next week Carolyn, Victor, and I will finish writing scenes three and four. I am looking forward to continuing the writing process for this project.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

My Job as a Writer

     For the Epic Romeo and Juliet project, my job is a writer. I chose to be a writer because I am good at writing and I thought it would be a suitable job for me. As a writer I can make the story sound good and interesting. I get to start off the project because without the writers the production can't begin. I am looking forward to start working on this so that the actors and directors can begin their jobs. Making sure the play flows nicely from scene to scene is also a part of my job. I have to make sure to write the play in a way that it won't be confusing. I am excited to be a part of the writing process for Romeo and Juliet.